Instructions to Participants

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1. Upload one photo of your artwork created by you

In case you have to change your post for a technical reason you can try up to 5 times. So, be careful.

You must not change the photo of your post, but you must change all the post. Avoid to change a post before it enters the group, because in such a case both of the posts will be deleted.

In the description of your post you must write:
1.1 Title of your artwork (if any)
1.2 Medium you use to create it
1.3 Size
1.4 Real name of the artist who created the artwork (We compare it with your Facebook name)

2. Become a Certified Artist by our Group

You must present yourself and your artworks with many photos in your Public FB Albums. You must give details in these photos in order to convince the visitors that you are a real person and a real artist.

Visit Your Status in our Portal.

If you are not Certified Artists, you can see and complete the application form. You will be informed about the results of the examination in the next few days.

You can apply for a limited times, so prepare your Public Facebook Albums very well, before you send your form. Check Rule 12 for instructions.

You must keep the needed information in your Public Facebook Albums all the time you want to be Certified Artists.

3. Complete Participation Form

Visit Your Status in our Portal.

If you are a Certified Artists, you can see and complete the participation form. You will be informed about the results of the examination in the next few days.

You can change the info of your participation from and a new examination will be done. So, be careful to give all the information from the first times. Check Rule 1 for instructions.

4. Visit “Your Status” every few days

You must visit Your Status every few days and correct any red notes you will see. “Your Status” page is updated only when you refresh (re-enter) the page.

5. Vote (with LIKE or any other REACTION) at least 10 other posts in the group, because you are a member of our Jury.

6. Jury Voting in our Portal is not taken into account for the time being. But you can vote. Have in mind that Jury Voting shows different posts to every visitor and new posts are added during the time. So, you must check every few days.

6. Do not call people for voting your post and do not monopolize the top of the group feed.

7. Check and respond to the comments, announcements and instructions of the administration.

8. Our software keeps your new post and deletes automatically the previous one. So, be very careful not to send new post in case you want to keep the existing one. If you don’t remember visit Your Status first.

9. If you like to participate in the Secret Contest you must upload your post and complete participation form. Your post must be clear from any rule violations. The first posts in ranking without rule violations are selected automatically. We may select more posts, but always must be sent by Certified Artists.

10. If you like to participate for the awards, you must have no rule violations. Posts with rule violations cannot take votes and their participants cannot give votes to others.

11. Secret Awards and Public Awards are given on the first Friday. On Saturday or Sunday we give the Public Awards. On Wednesday we give Special Awards. On the second weekend we inform our database, so you can easily find them from our portal. All the Awards are kept in our permanent gallery.

12. Do not monopolize the top of the group.

13. You must read the instructions every few days and tell us if you need more instructions.

14. Be careful with Rules. Any Rule Violations means no awards, except otherwise decided. The Rules are in the Portal and the description / info of the group. Read only the Rule you need each time. Don’t read all the Rules at the same time.

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